a caged rush

Jackson Greer
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readFeb 7, 2017

Freely it flowed
for an unmeasured amount of time.
Unable to slow
as it trickled down the line.

Until they decided
to plant a wall of stone.
Suddenly the stream collided
against the rock’s rigid bone.

Trapped in a cell
and held captive against its will
with no one to tell
of its desire to fill.

Swirling under the surface
gradually beating against the wall
trying to remember its purpose
and what it was like to fall.

As time goes by
a crack starts to form
and it reaches inside
begging to swarm.

Up the crack reaches
and expands like a web.
Grasping for space, it breaches
and remembers how to ebb.

