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A letter of Rejection

Anita Rajan
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readOct 26, 2017


All my life, I have lived free

I will not be chained.

All my life I have wept, bled, smiled and

I will not succumb to being a rock.

All my life I have loved,

I will not start climbing a desolate tower.

As the ladder does not matter anymore.

All my life I have been a beggar,

I do not need to be powerful.

All my life, I have been a feather,

And I will stop floating.

All my life I’ve been a sinner,

Maybe there isn’t the need to be a saint.

As you can obviously tell,

I am not worthy of your agenda,
nor am I worthy of your institution.

So here is my letter of rejection,

You can keep a copy of that while you
crusade on the throne of propaganda.



Anita Rajan
Poets Unlimited

23, with a chance of doing something with this existence of hers. She's trying to figure out what that might be.