Karen Kilbane
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMay 24, 2015

Thrilled about having a baby

Like most people…

Can’t wait to see her, hold her, love her,

Like most people…

She arrives 3 weeks early

A little different…

She doesn’t cry at birth;

Very calm,

Very still,

A little different…

I am woken at 2 am.

The pediatrician says,

“Your daughter might have Down syndrome. We are not sure.”

Unable to fall back to sleep.

To be expected…

Some people hear about my baby and say, “I’m sorry.”

A little different…

Many professionals tell me she will be

A little different…

I read and read everything to learn how my child will be

A little different…

Years later my ‘different’ child sits with me at bedtime.

She says unprompted, like every night,

“Mommy, I love you so, so much.

Mommy, I like your hair.

Mommy, you are so pretty.”

Mommy, I love you so, so much.”

And I realize,

Because of her,

I am,

A little different…



Karen Kilbane
Poets Unlimited

My students with special needs have led me to develop a hypothesis for a brain-compatible theory of personality. Reach me at karenkilbane1234@gmail.com