A morning poem

Lidia Almeida
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2018

It’s past 8am, I suspect
Since my head now feels misplaced
From all the dreaming
Sleeping is not something I usually do

His hair goes through my fingers
As his temple sinks in my chest
It is summer and our bodies are water
Warm and dense and salty
We are decisions not yet taken
In the back of my mind this song starts playing
About packing up and disappearing

There’s a couple of seconds
Before we kiss
Where our noses touch
I mumble words he doesn’t understand
His soul is pouring out of his mouth
But he’s got plenty
Smiling patiently
While my hands find their way to his neck
His eyes are spectrum
Telling stories about the rest of our days
Disconsidering reason

Our lips find each other
My heart trembles in place
Like trying to hold a fish out of water
His tongue slides gently
In between my arguments
To find the space left by who I thought I was
Pulls me out of my clothes
My hair falls over his face
He watches my nakedness
Through its strands
And holds me unsustainably

We curl and roll and stretch
The morning gets anxiously bright
His fingers tell me
Which parts of my body
He’s gonna claim next
Without me realizing
All of it is his by now

My knees gently fit around his waist
I pin him down
His body shivers under mine
His face a pleasurable sight
My hips encircle him
Much like sundials go about the day
I was also built for this single purpose

We go on for a while
Drinking from each other’s sorenesses
As if loving this heavily
Won’t get us crushed

His arms turn sanctuary
To my solitude
I stand
And pray
To be drained
Out of my certainties.



Lidia Almeida
Poets Unlimited

Anxiety-based lifeform with a passion for movement, nature, linguistics, science, art, learning useless skills and daydreaming. Find me on IG @ lidiasalmeida