Allan Younger
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readOct 13, 2016



I feel the breeze — gentle, flirts with the trees,

caressing each leaf this way and that.

I lie on my back and look up.

Sunbeams do their work as they gently warm my face, teasing out my freckles — summers’ calling card.

Light trickles through a green gossamer sheen

a million pinpricks, fireflies unseen.

More than the stars in the sky, why not?

I close my eyes — hypnotized by the gentle humming of bees

an orchestra tuning up ever ready for their next concert.

Senses sharpened, I hear the sound of petals unfold, their pollen to give, no sacrifice just give and let live.

I hear the flapping of wings as a maiden sings.

The farmer, as he runs the soil through his hand playing his part in nature’s plan.

I imagine a pool, so cool, gently fed from old river bed

such a deep, deep hue — azure blue.

Soft water, gentle drips, so clear I can see through my pool forever.

I have never felt so calm before.

I wish I could stay here forever but I know that I can’t for if I did how would I be able to appreciate this, my perfect day?



Allan Younger
Poets Unlimited

Guide. I meet people who share passions, desires and feelings. I have started to write them down. I hope my words touch you as well.