Lost Boy
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readFeb 12, 2018


a vesicle

From beneath seams of reflections we shimmer

Bones cloaked in aches as wind on stalks of stairs tremble

Paths mend in whispers of your sight rain

In days stolen into the curves of your existence

Night traces in hollows of wails of bloodied roots

Fingers thread in soils from which I grew in Being

Graze the hairs of thoughts hidden beneath furs

Hung we sway in pockets of motions of air and water

Crack of echoes through the tales of water wander

As oceans writhe in trance to the colors of your eyes

Beneath craves of skies wounded in symmetries

Into pages our inks became one in thee

Watch my steps orbit in constellations of your stars

Beneath drapes of dawns sprinkled in freckles of your gaze

In junctions where rivers collide to become sole

Tracks fall between verses on corridors to your soul weep

Open and let me into you…

