A Whore No More

Melissa Mirabai Zeligman
Poets Unlimited
1 min readJan 24, 2017


You know the moment you
First sell yourself.
It seems like a fair transaction. You think there is balance.
You say, “Just this one time.”

But you settle again and again.
Then you start to sink.
You’re so far down.
The distance between you and
The rest is growing every moment.

It becomes automatic.
You don’t even realize you are selling
And settling all of the time.
You’re complacent
You’re resigned.
You’re numb.

You wake up-
It’s the breaking point,
Only you didn’t break,
The vicious pattern did.
Shattered, obliterated, dissolved.

Someone bigger than you.
Someone who knows what it’s like.
Who had been there and made it back.
Someone who loves you, adores you,
Stands for you, fights for you.
Grabs you by the face and
Tells you- “My dear, you’re nobody’s whore anymore!”

It’s not a suggestion.
It’s not a demand.
It’s the truth
And your life begins
In that exquisite moment.

Your face still warm
From his hands.
Your mind drunk with
Liberation, love and dignity.
Your spirit spilling over
for all to embrace.
And your fierce heart open
for all there is to come and go.
You are free.

Melissa Mirabai Zeligman | edited 24 January 2017



Melissa Mirabai Zeligman
Poets Unlimited

Woman, artist, poet, demure deviant, culinary concubine & says anything in the dark. Motto: both/and Mantra: No pleasure, no treasure. Desires all things SOFT