
JL Myles
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2019
Photo taken riverside in the backcountry of Manitoba, CA. July 2019.

I sat within the detracting congregation of mirrored veneers waiting for my turn. Attentive as always, I grappled with my moments of potential interjection. Many minds made my melodramatic manipulation of thoughts seem unworthy to the chatter. Seated suave, I stipulated self-styles to denounce my silence. Unknown to utter unacceptance, I understood myself as I delved into my utopia. Laughing in liberation, I let little life leak loose to the critics. In my own opinion, I nestle well, and adjust scrupulously.

Undetermined directions laid upon trails with mile high walls of indecisiveness. Asphalt pathways constructed with small stones of doubts unwillingly secured. My gait of reflection like an orb floating through translucency. Eyes to the north; over consideration for what cannot be seen –

NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW.

A discontinuance of stride to ruminate on foliage of her graceful creation. Awareness inhales time like how dust particles become visible in sunlight. A head pivots in angulation as though disconnected from human musculature. A monstrosity develops with fists clenched. A gas giant sets into chlorophyll, as shadows cast. An unnatural degradation of skin drips from rotten bones onto the earth. Opaque poison is absorbed into the dirt as disintegrating bones frolic like ash in the wind. Standing, half of what I was, in the forest so fragile. Each exhale I released more of myself – synovial fluid, as I allowed my spine to disconnect from my skull. Limp and near death, I let her vines of reason consume what was left. Hanging, like an arachnid from a web, my soul was all that remained.

Swallowed sheeths of substance into her sand, my serenading soul stands worthy. As it sings I listen, hearing what I have not before. Raw and true to her, I develop my unformed self. Worthy of seeding and growth under rays of light and blood water, I radiate. Deep eternal gratitude for loss, release of living material, left to blossom anew.



JL Myles
Poets Unlimited

Just kind of winging it · All original photos, unless otherwise stated. For the colour: IG: Jordanmyles