
Sriram Sankar
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMar 11, 2016

Imprisoned animals
In search of liberation
Pointless retaliation.
Chained like beasts.
Caged by the society.
Confined by responsibilities.
Restrained by commitments.

One day I broke free.
Threw away my burdens
and stepped outside my cage,
into the beautiful wild.
Into the bed of grass
soft as the fluffy clouds.
My feet sank in the marshy ground.

Trees tall as daylight.
Windy skies and cozy nights.
Cold yet warmer
for i am now liberated.
Free from my haunting past.
In the jungle
where I truly belong.
Caged no more.
Awake at last. Alive.



Sriram Sankar
Poets Unlimited

Currently chasing a dream in Astrophysics and crafting some Poetry.