All Inclusive Earth Is Calling You

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readApr 24, 2019

Wake up. It’s time for a better day

See the forest for the trees, Christyl Rivers

Let Earth beg you, beseech you, open your eyes
The burning world, turning, needs you to rise

Enough about orange man, enough about Mueller,
Your blessed, blue planet flashes another color

The sixth extinction sprawls, like creeping mildew
Lose trees, bees, and manatees, then we all lose, too

Assemble and ascend, do not waste a minute
Do not wait for leaders, clueless, or complicit

A bleak, toxic future seeps up like tar sands
But climate justice pours power into human hands

Like grief, oceans can rise up — and destroy
Rise faster than oceans. Jump in. Join for joy.

Black lives matter? They do. Get up. Rise together!
Hashtag MeToo? Liberate. Ring a brand, new bellwether

Indigenous people, and planet, have wisdom to spare;
The song of the grass, the heart of the bear

March for our lives, Yes, and for all life on Earth
March for sea ice, for resilience, rebirth

March for body acceptance, for jobs, and for gender
March for repentance. She’s your mother, defend her



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Poets Unlimited

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.