©Lyric Doe

All of the Lights on Earth

Lyric Doe
Poets Unlimited


A downer
A ditch.

I think I’m done.

The whites of your eyes
And the gleam of your teeth
Spread tic-tac
Across billboards
In mind-jam
I spread evenly across
That I raise to the sky
In prayer
To whichever manifestation
Of purpose
I can conjure
For the chaos
Under the unforgiving
Of cosmic light,
In day
And night.

I am done.

Each and every star.
If I had height
In equal measure
To imagination
I’d pluck each out of
Inky fabric
And repay chaos
In spades.
But alas I am
Just flesh
And blood
And bone
And soon

And I am smaller
Than I’ve ever been
In this moment
Under the spotlight of
Moonshine and
Bloodshot twilight
In front of you,
My saviour and
My tormentor –
Scented by graveyard soil
And tears collected,
Plucked from corners
Of Inky fabric
And time.
My love
And light.
But I am done

All of the lights on (and off) earth.



Lyric Doe
Poets Unlimited

New York Born. Tokyo Lived. Poet/Food Blogger/Artist /Web Design and Programming. http://lyricdoe.com/