An ode to our TVs!

Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMay 26, 2018
Sven Scheuermeier - Unsplash

Dear television,
You are hard done by
So many people ridicule you
But hardly any speak of
How you save so many

Dear television,
On days where she locked herself away in tears
Or he had no one to turn to
You were there to provide company
Giving a life line

Dear television,
As sad as it may sound
You have given comfort
And education over and over
For decades past

Dear television,
I for one love you!
So do not lose heart
Let them say what they will say
They all come back to you at the end of the day!

SM, 25.05.2018



Poets Unlimited

My dearest dysfunctional mind, you can find your comfort in writing.. (Follow @s_k_mustafa on Instagram for daily extracts of my poems 😊)