Thirty Days in Three Lines

Melissa Mirabai Zeligman
Poets Unlimited
Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2018


9 September 2018 | Day 1
Turning towards the new moon and new year.
I celebrate sweetness, beginnings and the true joy of life.
A deep bow to all my loves, I am nothing without you.

10 September 2018 | Day 2
Losing myself in lines and forms.
Soft cool palette cascades across the page.
Curves blur into the horizon.

11 September 2018 | Day 3
There is nothing delicate about me but I do bleed.
On the pages I write, for the ones I love and with the moon.
Vital slipstream driven by my heart pulses and throbs.

12 September 2018 | Day 4
An ode to Men. My heroes, champions and lovers.
For your intellect, your bodies, your drive and stand.
Your presence and desire grant pleasure, volition and softness.

13 September 2018 | Day 5
Oh my, that first flutter of attraction and chemistry.
Skin blushes, pulse quickens, breath suspends, touch me now.
The exquisite tension between hesitation and what might be.

14 September 2018 | Day 6
When did you stop believing that you mattered?
Pleasure and connection became a faint memory.
In a moment you sacrificed your worth for approval.

15 September 2018 | Day 7
Autumn is for past loves.
Revisiting familiar territory.
Spilling over with warmth of his body and desire.

16 September 2018 | Day 8
Cashmere, fleece and flannel layers.
Scent of wood-fire, cider and spice.
The last taste of the summer bounty.

17 September 2018 | Day 9
My tolerance for bigotry is thread bare.
Words of hatred, ignorance, diminution.
My faith in people lost, my heart broken.

18 September 2018 | Day 10
Contemplating forgiveness and reconciliation.
For the damage I’ve done and my complicity.
Shedding regrets and resentments, beginning anew.

19 September 2018 | Day 11
Seeing that shame takes hostages.
The collective shadow rotting, awaiting rescue.
Forgive and atone, you are your own hero.

20 September 2018 | Day 12
The dark comes earlier now with a chill.
Equal night and day signals the new season.
Sweet smell of the damp forest floor.

21 September 2018 | Day 13
The intimacy and connection of shared laughter.
In a world that sends so much to mourn and despair.
Finding joyful, silly, absurd moments is my medicine.

22 September 2018 | Day 14
When you love a sensitive girl you will know the seasons.
She relishes the transition of weather, wine and fashion.
Bring the warmth, cashmere, Port and spice.

23 September 2018 | Day 15
Grey rainy days unscripted.
Exploring treasured books newly.
Writing love notes, planning menus, day dreaming.

24 September 2018 | Day 16
It won’t be a memory or idea that cracks you open.
Your awakened, bare skin, deep breathing, eyes wide open being.
Don’t squander another moment, the awe of discovery awaits.

25 September 2018 | Day 17
On the verge of overwhelm, my senses erupt.
Scent, taste, feel, each moment an experience.
Skin, wine, food, children’s laughter and Sinatra.

26 September 2018 | Day 18
Listening is truly what will right everything, EVERYTHING.
Synonymous with love, it will profoundly connect you.
To all of your lovers, enemies, partners, children, source, nature,
humanity and yourself.

27 September 2018 | Day 19
Shut down and shut up, I lose my voice.
My body fiercely rejects the notion.
A ‘FUCK YOU’ was my medicine.

28 September 2018 | Day 20
Deconstructing distinctions I thought I knew.
Part by part new language emerges.
Discovering, owning, authoring.

29 September 2018 | Day 21
Seeking comfort in warm spices and honey.
Rest for a tired body and brain.
A shot of bourbon helped the cause.

30 September 2018 | Day 22
To have her heart broke open for humanity.
Salted skin from tears and sweat.
Connecting to source.

1 October 2018 | Day 23
Find your people and hold them close.
Make room for miracles and the unexpected.
Our lives can be for more than we can know.

2 October 2018 | Day 24
I cherish the men my path has crossed.
Wisdom, guidance, reverence and support.
To be known and loved by them is exquisite.

3 October 2018 | Day 25
Every moment has a tone and texture.
I hear music when I see beauty and creation.
Running my hands across grass, wool and skin.

4 October 2018 | Day 26
Sometimes I miss the obvious signs.
There is a whole side I have either forgotten.
Or have yet to discover for myself.

5 October 2018 | Day 27
I miss him.
I miss how he knew me and understood.
To be in the listening and clearing of his of love was divine.

6 October 2018 | Day 28
Making a family takes many forms.
It doesn’t always look like the picture book.
At the heart is love, contribution and loyalty.

7 October 2018 | Day 29
The small, quiet messages of love are potent.
Witnessed among the few and intimate.
My faith in humanity comes out of the dark.

8 October 2018 | Day 30
Miles and years between us.
Still I smile and blush when I think of him.
The love lessons learned and knowing when to end.



Melissa Mirabai Zeligman
Poets Unlimited

Woman, artist, poet, demure deviant, culinary concubine & says anything in the dark. Motto: both/and Mantra: No pleasure, no treasure. Desires all things SOFT