At the Movies

Nate McCowan
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readNov 25, 2016


“Bang! Flash!” Go the words on the screen
The music gets scary and the audience screams
“Zip, POW!” reads the superlatives
Everyone is concerned if the hero dies or lives
There’s romance in the air, and a crazy car chase
And the characters emote with a scrunched-up face
Blinding explosions, and heartfelt speeches
Old timey doctors with elixirs and leeches
And for a little while, we all make believe
That this fanciful world could be reality
We drip our soda pop and eat our popcorn,
And feel all the emotions, like gaiety and scorn
We all feel exhausted, and fulfilled and groovy
Just another day in the life of the movies

-For Zlatina



Nate McCowan
Poets Unlimited

Hobbyist writer. Poems, short stories, and general musings.