Audie S. O.

Rome Juanatas
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readSep 21, 2016

Wanted, needed
That’s what you are
Oh dear, where can you be found?

Aren’t you in the vast blue ocean
where thousands of plump fishes
continue to jump
waiting for the catch

Aren’t you among the ripe red fruits
being harvested
gathered in baskets
and will soon be in the market

Aren’t you hidden beneath the ground
together with the dirt of the world
waiting to be mined, purified
and refined into pure gold

Wherever you are,
do wait for a little while
for the one who loves you
and longs for you
has been searching until this very time

Soon you’ll be found
Together, forever
That’s what you’ll be
when at that time
you recognize
and thus respond

Check out my other pieces on my page. Thanks a lot.



Rome Juanatas
Poets Unlimited

Multilingual creative in pursuit of finding beauty in the extraordinary and the mundane.