
2 min readJan 21, 2017



She was a plump young girl
Large around her middle
Seeing it I had thought
Within her she had a little bundle!

I offered her my seat
She asked me to stay
I got on my feet
She abruptly looked away.

Tapping her shoulder
I asked her to sit
‘No’ she gave a shudder
And grimly her lip she bit.

In a crowded train
I’d given my seat for a song
One would have thought
I had done something wrong!

Youngsters these days!
I thought to myself
An impolite upstart
What does she think of herself?

Brushing me off like a spec of dust
And she the feather duster
Get rid of me she must
With all the power she could muster!

People around had seen the scene
They could sense something brew
Some glanced at me as if to mean
Whats the matter with you?

I looked at her afresh
My temper ready to tip
In a flash I saw my gaffe
Shame had me in its grip

Imagining a bun in the oven
How could I make such a botch?
I looked at her again
All she had was a paunch!

She had moved far away
Very distressed I could see
Her face had turned grey
Poor thing, she was ready to flee!

In her anger she was justified
Now I will always be petrified
Of offering my seat
To a pregnant girl on her feet.

