Beach Body Buff

Jake Butler
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJun 22, 2016

The sign reads,
“get your beach body buff” because lets face it,
you don’t want to look like
your stuffed full of fluff
or have a penchant
for pudding,
when you’re in public
just chillin’
strolling on the beach.

But Maybe I like pudding
and my body as a cuddly bear.

I think its a little unfair
making us feel uncomfortable
when we stroll around
in nothing but our underwear.
Its more pleasing to the eye
than your franken-boobs
full of silicon lies.
Didn’t anybody tell you…
there’s enough plastic in the sea,
with out you also
polluting it for me.

The only air brush
that I can agree
is the one when
you step out the sea,
see it caress
every lump and bump
on a beautifully
crafted body
that’s naturally made
by the powers that be.

Originally published at on June 22, 2016.

