Becoming You!

Zohra Fatima
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readFeb 6, 2016

Today I woke up
a different person
The transformation is so complete,
so wholesome
that every facet of your existence,
each conceivable depression in the folds of the skin
around your eyes
is imposing, growing, mutating
through every nook of my being
The last remnants of what I was
or still am
peer through amorphous holes
of what I‘ve become,
distorted and lumbering
through the neoplasm,
giving way to resignation
with the ease of
a fait accompli,
usurping, domineering,
everything I loved,
I detested
in you!



Zohra Fatima
Poets Unlimited

Meandering thoughts of a reformed narcissist, aspiring opportunist, ex-idealist-come-realist, wannabe writer, and definitely a work in progress!