Before the door closes…

Diem Jones
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readOct 13, 2018

Before the door of seasons change closes, make sure you bring home red roses!

…blue violets are resting and our heart beats are forever being challenged / Love you or love you not? / ring around the Roses, before the door closes…

As we ALL don’t want to Fall down, but rather fall up into the enlightened destinies before us.

…closed door before the Roses ring /not you love, not you / challenged forever are beating hearts / resting in blue / resting in view / Love you now or not you love…



Diem Jones
Poets Unlimited

Diem Jones is a poet, musician, multi-media artist, and arts administrator. He is also co-founder and past of E.D. VONA/Voices (VONA) and Murray Gove.