Between The Cheeks

Adult Fairy #5

John Horan
Poets Unlimited
1 min readSep 29, 2017


I found myself stuck

Between the cheeks

Of an elephant’s ass

I thought

Like all things

This must surely pass

But it wasn’t how I planned

To spend my Saturday.

I pulled a toothbrush

Out of my nose

I thought

Well that’s just how it goes

And stuck it where the sun don’t shine

I’ve heard an elephant roar

But I’ve never heard one whine, before

I pulled the toothbrush back out

I gave a twist and a shout

I dropped to the floor

On my hands and knees

I didn’t look back to see the elephant bleed

Out it’s ass, that would be crass,

And quite déclassé, you know,

We’re all environmentalists now, for sure,

I picked up and ran till my legs were spaghetti

All the way across the Serengeti

We must never speak and never ask

How I ended up between the cheeks

Of an elephants ass

On a wet Saturday in January.

Like my poems? Check out my novel A Vagrant At The House Of Love.



John Horan
Poets Unlimited

Writer of novels, scripts and poems. Teaches meditation. Thinks too much.