Beyond the Shadow of the Valley

Immanuel R. Knight
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 18, 2017

I am not a prophet,
But a shadow
Watchman before the dawn

I speak to you,
By his meadow
Beware the sword, of nameless pawn

I tell of numbers,
Thrice times three
A name unutterable, void’s phantom spawn

I warn thy few,
Of blasphemy
Blackest noon, before the gone

I point at yesterday,
Towards principalities
Heed not their ink, a falsehood drawn

I reach for tomorrow,
His bright realities
Love now, withhold not, upon her yawn

I cherish so,
A lover true
Heaven’s truth, the pearl, clear water’s swan

I promise forever,
I proclaim to you
Beyond the shadow of the valley, shepherd’s greenest lawn



Immanuel R. Knight
Poets Unlimited

Don’t let the dark times get you down. Wandering ways with words.