Big Boom Ditty

David Baron
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readSep 6, 2016


Big boom ditty ditty big boom ditty
big boom ditty ditty in the beginning
the technocrat knows and he knows
the big boom ditty ditty flash and glow
that grow and grow and grow –

Twinkle twinkle little star
the technocrat knows what you are
you twinkle ’cause you are so far
a focal billion diamond spark
suspended in a web of dark

The technocrat can measure that
extrapolate and calculate
the true extent you radiate
back unto that big boom ditty
ditty ditty date, initiate

The technocrat can conquer that —

my dear, no more to die, o my –
can conquer that and that is that
don’t ask why, no need to cry
nevermore to die, o my –



David Baron
Poets Unlimited

Dovid has been writing poetry, country and Jewish liturgical music and other stuff for … over fifty years? Yessir. Still not on the Sunday Times Bestseller Li