Black, White and Brown

Ankit Mishra
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2016

Quiet were the lanes and dim was the light,
But, why the Streets are red in the perfect world of black and white,

Brown is dead for what his color was wrong,
Fingers raised, Bodies bruised and the chaos is all around!

With anguish in heart and tears in my eyes,
I dream of the world of no divide,

Time and again, Racism appears as the beast,
Loss of life; can it be anyone’s gain,

Time and again the question arises of right and wrong,
Let’s work together to make, love, hope and dreams strong!

We don’t need promises, we need equality,
Where Love is the Race and religion is humanity,

Love needs to be the color with which every child should be born,
I wish to be colorblind in the world which is divided into shades of black, white and brown!!



Ankit Mishra
Poets Unlimited

Author 2X — New Poetry Book “Threads of Trust” Available on Amazon