Blood Moon

Sharmila Kuthunur
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2018

The moon was nowhere to be seen.

One moment it’s there, the other it’s not.

Sunlight scuttled through Earth’s atmosphere,

Determined to hunt it down.

It sprinkled colors as it flew by,

Not unlike parachuted soldiers dropping off a plane.

The colors bashed with the atmosphere, fighting for victory.

Red, the bravest of all, went on and on,

Probing and prodding space,

Looking for the slightest of hints.

The moon was right there all the time,

Tucked into earth’s shadow,

Happy to be out of the spotlight.

And when red hit it with full force,

It could do little to avert it.

Credits: ESA / CESAR — M. Castillo

Oh boy, did it blush.

