
Heath ዟ
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readOct 10, 2018


He pulled the curtain aside
wondering if he’d catch a last glimpse,
but the butterflies have all gone,
finally migrated to their destination far away.
He had hoped they would stay
though he knew it was impossible.

Still, he felt a little less color in his world.

He’d opened his door
and they had flown about
a swarm of color and light
looking for a way out
as soon as they’d found a way in.

He’d opened his window
for them to leave,
wishing they’d stay
knowing they wouldn’t,
not for all the sugar in the world.

It’s not in their nature.

Butterflies are flighty creatures.

Now, door shut,
window closed,
he let the curtain fall.

He’d had enough last glimpses to last a lifetime.

Next year there would be more butterflies,
different butterflies, but then
maybe he’d say goodbye
and give up chasing butterflies
always flying away.



Heath ዟ
Poets Unlimited

Destroyed. Rebuilt. Broken, Mended. Annihilated. Remade. Nothing special.