Joseph Townend
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMay 7, 2017


Cape Point, Cape Town (South Africa)

Cape Point of View

For Phil

Rest a moment
Where the shores meet
Where unbounding circle closes –
The self unto itself poses –
A small window is formed

The coasts just walked
Come into view
With a glimpse of self’s reflection
In this glass and, see? – a question
Etched upon the instant

This question draws
Its weaving lines
As it towers where the shores touch
And builds the self’s museum much
Is found now left behind

Fleeting window
Here gives this ‘I’:
A prefix that is built to last
It cradles stories of the past
The speaker’s question mark

Memories spring
Forth in motion
Build a blueprint of life’s beauty –
Eye sweeps ‘I’ to find its duty –
Where will these feet fall next?

But lightning quick
The instant fades:
As windowpane melts into sea
‘I’ feels the weight beside of ‘we’ –
You appear, listening

The question turns
On your lips too;
We speak the pain like brothers raised
The same now gone our separate ways –
We pause, and share a laugh

In this giving
Of another
The shores distill their boundaries fixed
Into new space that contradicts
This feeling we’re alone

Rest a moment
Where the shores meet
And we’ll find each other there

