Captain Groovy and His Bubblegum Army

Zachary Houle
Poets Unlimited
1 min readAug 20, 2016


Captain Groovy and his bubblegum army
Ride their Big Wheels down the city street
They cruise the scene, they look for chicks
And I don’t mean the ones who say, “Tweet!”

Stereo boys driving in their muscle cars
Pass by and laugh shrilly at this parade
Of losers and freaks and other lost clowns
Who would be quite lucky if they got laid

A beautiful blonde leans out the car window
And flashes her tits for the world to see
The captain merely looks down to the pavement
And realizes this ain’t a good place to be

The good captain flashes a sign that says peace
And his entire gang completely follows suit
The jocks drive off, they turn up Cheap Trick
And then leave with a yelp and a hoot

Captain Groovy and his bubblegum army
Ride out of town and into the sticks
Pedaling along in their sad, saggy bellbottoms
Maybe nowhere’s a good place to find chicks



Zachary Houle
Poets Unlimited

Book critic by night, technical writer by day. Follow me on Twitter @zachary_houle.