Cloths for crowns/Sticks for scepters

Fariq Rahman
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readFeb 6, 2017

Living life like shards of glass
It’s a wonder how you fractured yourself
Oh inspiration!
You were so much better when you’re broken

But you just had to find time to mend things up
Such a shame!
What ever would I do now?
With something so whole, so completed

However, I suppose I must let you have your highs
Stretch your wings, soar the skies
Only to fly to close to euphoria

Scorched feathers; another elegant fall from poise
Scribing down whatever eloquent noise
Your descent creates



Fariq Rahman
Poets Unlimited

Enigma of erudition, eximious & equivoque. A series of minute or less poems about misery & love.