Michelle Zanoni
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJan 8, 2017

The sky changes

from pale blue to purple

to star-spattered black

and the air cools down to stillness

and the people change

from a father who wrestles

a stroller into the minivan while

the mother holds

the infant close and pats

its bald head. The tweens

and teens in packs capture Pokemon

on their phones. The bikers,

the loners, and the make-out couples

enter the bar. A man stands

awkward and apart, hesitates to order

a drink, then sits at a table, alone,

and reads, while the band plays

and the tattooed, baseball-capped workers –

all wiry short — dance beside the college boys

while the doctor and the banker nod

to the same beat. The bartender

serves them all.

