
Vadim Slivinski
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJun 24, 2019
Photo by Alexandra on Unsplash

Some word, isn’t it, huh?
Kept bugging me for quite some time now…

I first heard it when I was may-be five
Or seven years old;
Long before ‘derivative’, ‘endorsement’
Or ‘hypothesis’.

Not a day passed by as I kept wondering:

I grew up to be pretty literate:
Read Dostoyevski and Faulkner,
Could argue about politics for hours
Even got a degree in Maths.

Yet still on some windy afternoon
Or long hot summer night
It keeps on bugging me,
Driving me nuts.

Didn’t google it
(out of pride, I reckon)

Now, as time goes by firmly,
I start to wonder ‘bout other things:
Perhaps growing up is overrated
Or education is?

’Cause I grew up to know so many words,
Feel so many things,
Learned to love, hate, forgive and forget

But still feel as a dumb little boy.



Vadim Slivinski
Poets Unlimited

An English-writing Russian, currently trying to finish a novel and a poetry collection