Completed 2019 Sign-ups for PoetsUnlimited

Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMay 16, 2019

Thanks to those who discovered, waited, and then requested to sign up with PoetsUnlimited as a contributor. It’s nice to meet new contributors and read your sample poems. (Even if a few of them were ‘premium’ and I quickly used up my free views :) )

Always happy to see your pieces. Don’t forget, if you joined up as a contributor, you need to ‘submit’ pieces for them to get considered, featured in our couple-times-a-week publishing, and also added to the feed. Remember, we’re a free-to-view publication, so only submit your pieces that are open to everyone to read.

Medium has become a bit more onerous to use lately, but for now we persevere and the publication goes on. Not anticipating opening up for new contributors again this year, so we’ll embrace the 1000 or so we have now.

Our 66,000+ subscribed readers continue to keep coming back to read the wide variety of contributions to Medium’s longest-running poetry-only publication. I’m sure a few more come by linked in by your social-media posts and discover some new poets along the way.

Thanks for your continued participation as both readers and poets!




Poets Unlimited

Ross in Ottawa was founder, publisher of “PoetsUnlimited” (NOW DEFUNCT). Abandoned MEDIUM after aggressive monetization ruined the platform