Crossing Stagnant

Dadhi Phoenix Poudel
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJan 1, 2019

The calendar flips over
Necessary change
For the date never stays forever

You undergo the notion
Hell Yeah, I’ll own this year
You have this vision
Hell Yeah, it’ll be great for sure

Are you ready for the change?
Are you ready crossing the stagnant?

Your spouse wants you
Just the way you are
Your godly parents want you
Just the way you are
Your lovely kids want you
Just the way you are
Your friends, relatives, anyone
Anyone who knows you wants you
Just the way you are

Now you are on the battlefield
To change
Not to change

You had enough of this stagnant
You had enough hazed out your dreams
So my friend,
Do change
Don’t let the calendar be the only thing
Do change for yourself
Stir up the stagnant
Move the mountains inside
Make that move
Which took forever

Change my friend



Dadhi Phoenix Poudel
Poets Unlimited

A person trying to learn ways of life. Learning by traveling, two wheel lover and playing with random words that comes to senses out of the blue.