David Davis vs The Children of the Calais Camps

Adam Hunter
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2016

The Right Honourable David Davis, from the safety of his keep:
“Watch out, these boys might not be who we think”.
He may as well have said, “fuck ’em, let ’em starve,
Cast their bodies out, let ’em float amongst the stars.”

The Right Honourable David Davis: “do these look like kids to you?
Or fully-formed adults jumping the queue?
At the least scam artists looking for a way out,
If not terror-in-waiting, come to blow our brains out.”

Meanwhile, perhaps one of the children recently arrived from Calais might reply:

I’m not old enough to be making these decisions.
Just trying to avoid being killed for my religion.
I’d just like a roof, and a bath, and a blanket,
Somewhere to stay that’s not a boat in the Atlantic.

All we wanted was to get out of Calais,
To stop sleeping outdoors, have somewhere to stay,
I’m tired, I’ve been scared since the day that we left,
Scattered to the winds, the world’s dispossessed.

We made it to this country that I thought would aid us,
turns out I think that they’re just afraid of us,
or maybe just really scared of being played by us,
Which is strange, because they have so much more than us.

They say that I look older,
So my pictures in the paper,
Not a child, but a soldier,
Sent here to endanger
All these lives of people I don’t know.

But I’m not a soldier. I’m not even an adult.
I’m a child and I’m scared.
And I just want to be safe.

Author’s Note: I hope the Right Honourable David Davis is suitably proud of himself.

