Dear Father

Varun Raghunathan
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readApr 26, 2018

My father,
He has a plan for me,
a road map till my death,
do this, do that,
don’t repeat my mistakes,
but how can I do as you say?
I can only do as you do!
he provides,
he strives to provide his best,
despite his imperfections,
leaking to the fore,
his figure thinning,
his hair falling,
his senses weakening,
grumpy and irritable,
my hero? my role model?
I never had,
I had to be my own man,
I am only a rebel in his regime,
I rebel against the glimpses of him in me,
I have my dreams, father,
I cannot do as you say,
I’m a man now..


