Do You Wish to Know God?

Immanuel R. Knight
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2017

Do you wish to know God, oh passerby?
Well listen up, a testament’s nigh
Seek as ye will across heaven’s sky
Before one stumbles in the sinner’s sty

Pass thy bread and butter today
Into another’s hands, live by this I say
Daily appointed, oh if ye may
“Give us thy bread”, give thy bread away

Approach one stranger stuck in need
Be a hand to teach, many fish do feed
Care thou’st remember good words and a deed?
Remember one Samaritan, remember his creed

Spread a word so kind and merry
Make everyday Christmas, oh do this verily
Pass thy time partin’ songs that carry
Dance thy heart clear across heaven’s ferry

Be slow to judge and slower still
To pass thy heart through gossip’s sill
Every lie and word spoken so ill
Why, they bury the heart, bury you they will

Take thy pride and cast it down
As before the stars, God’s evening gown
What are we but a dreamer’s drown?
Become a jester, humble thyself a clown

Pass one another with a gentle stare
Give not in anger or that prideful glare
Smile, be brighter, all and everywhere
One oft entertains angels unawares

Show another, light the way
Maybe, just maybe, you’ll brighten their day
Teach of giving, of goodness do say
For each and all, think of they when ye pray



Immanuel R. Knight
Poets Unlimited

Don’t let the dark times get you down. Wandering ways with words.