
Sebastian Sanchez
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJul 17, 2017

You sit there,
You review your life,
Actions running in your brain,
Your misery and your pain,
Your mistakes are not going away.

The clock ticks away each second,
The drops inside your eyes fall,
Your life condensed in them,
Your dream keeps descending from your eyes.

Nothing’s clear,
The light is off,
Your face drowns in your hands,
Mingled with pain.
Your mind, your eyes, lost,
In the unseen spots of that white wall.

And I see you,
In that corner,
Being miserable with your ideas,
Stabbing your soul with your pains,
But you can’t see me here,
Standing next to you.

I wonder,
Can I help?
Could I walk with you?
Step in this darkness that you are living?
Pick up the broken pieces,
Put them back together?

I see you,
I’m here.
And I’ll still be whenever you need it.
There’s no other option for me,
My heart bounds me to this room,
I’ll stay until you lift up your head.
Ready to move on,
Ready to walk ahead.



Sebastian Sanchez
Poets Unlimited

Human in construction, Believer in action, Thoughtful Philosopher, Poet on standby.