Let go of Ego.


Sanmathi Bharamgouda
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readSep 1, 2015


Not long ago
there lived a monster
called ego.
He made me feel important
and I just could not let go.

Whenever I said “you, we or us”
he would create a great fuss.

He lured me into believing
there was just ‘I’.
With every praise, I continued to live
and with every criticism I would again die.

Over time, my ego got mightier
and I started to feel heavier in my head.
I was also to blame
since I was the one who fed.

It was all about me
and I had become the center of every universe.
What once started as a tempting indulgence
had grown into a curse!

But there was one thing I knew
ego hated it when I would
accept and appreciate
other people’s point of view.

So as I started practicing gratitude
to conquer my mighty yet fragile ego,
he fought back
and made it hard to let him go.

But I persisted by putting
‘you’ before ‘I’ and
that’s when I got to know selflessness
is such a high!

And today, ego is at my disposal
and is no more a monster
since after years of slavery,
I have learnt to become his master!

