Peter Johnson
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2019



I wonder how they do it?
What they do so well?
Their twisting tongues and words
Blazing crooked trails to Hell

Their words drip from TV screens
Staining us like bleach,
Ruining our carpets
With violated speech

Fictitious truths, convenient lies
And “facts” they know so well
Are projected onto others
No matter what they want to sell

Weren’t these monsters children once? Or did they never age?
Regurgitating nasty tricks, turning the next page —
No more than right wing heroes whose deceits have made them sick

Citizens United was not a virgin birth,
It gave the world ten thousand lies —
Creepy things which scurry fast, away from probing eyes are,
Being nourished in the garbage where their fearless leader thrives

Can’t you see the moving curves of seagulls as they glide?
Snatching up each taste of trash
while hunting on the fly —
Scattered there by “geniuses” who feed them wicked lies

If fearless leaders everywhere
Hold heroes frozen in their lairs,
Then differentiating true from false
Is now beyond our best repairs

When public knowledge only comes
from those who lie the best —
Electing vain, dishonest, angry men, will never pass the test
And our once free press won’t survive the rest —

Meaning with finality, that love and truth will die!

peter W. Johnson

