
Neville Craig Kumar
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMay 23, 2018
Image is a screenshot from FullMetal Alchemist — Brotherhood

“Thank you”
She said
Looking at me,
With gratitude in her eyes

“Will it ever be enough?”
I wondered
Seeing the still burning desire
That lay behind them

“I’m sorry”
I said
As I nursed her wound
“I didn’t mean to hurt you”

“I know”
She choked out
Between tears
“You just got angry”

We twist and tangle
A devilish web
Contracting ever tighter
Around our minds and hearts

We weave and spin
In endless circles
Of insatiable greed
And inextinguishable wrath

For that is what we are
Base. Ferral. Victims of our desires
Or are we more?
Are we better?

Behind her greed
Lies desperation and insecurity
Behind my wrath
Lies fear and panic

We are but human
Children; playing at adulthood
Masking our fears
Concealing our scars

We need love
Unconditional positive regard
A caring hand
To guide us away from the dark

And we will be saved
We will be more
We will have learned
What we came here for

“I’m sorry”, I said.
You have all of my love.
“Thank you!”, she said.
That is more than enough.



Neville Craig Kumar
Poets Unlimited

Rediscovering myself. And writing a lot along the way. Contributing writer for #BeYourself and #PoetsUnlimited