
Aimee Q Devlin
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2017

There is a new phenomenon,
it’s time to be scared,
men have taken it one step further
I can hardly believe they dared.

They now fuck us with their eyes,
They no longer need the warmth of our thighs.
All it takes is just one look
And the righteous anger begins to rise.

One day, long ago, I may have smiled
nodded, or sent a flirtaceous hi
But that was before men became so vile
Now I just vomit back: #boybye

He looked my way without a warrant.
How dare he be so damn disgusting?
Doesn’t he know he’s not allowed
To let his eyes start invisibly thrusting?

There is no knowledge of the fuck
going on, it’s complete in a second.
No evidence left behind,
No pleasure, just a woman beckoned.

A victim left behind, and
a perpetrator who doesn’t even know
how much damage he’s done
he didn’t even give me the chance to say no.

It’s always just a moment away.
This is the danger of the eye-fuck.
Every man just a moment away,
will today be the day he will come unstuck?

Will he pass me by, rape me with his eyes?
I’m not sure how I know what he’s thinking
But I do; I know how much he wants me
See that? He has eyes, he was blinking.

It’s come to the point where
I can barely leave the house any more,
I’m assaulted with smiles, hellos
and eye-fucks galore.

I’m not sure what to do
Who to ask, where to go?
I’ve no proof I’ve been eye-fucked
but I feel it’s certainly so.

These fucks aren’t like others,
based in reality, truth.
No, these are projection,
a construct celebrated by youth.

These fucks aren’t like others,
where both parties feel.
No, these are one sided,
intangible, unreal.

Eye-fucks are sneaky,
cunning, and slick.
Blink and you’ll miss it,
You have to be quick.

Take this as a warning,
that you could be next.
A victim of eye-fucks
from which healing’s complex.

Don’t leave yourself open
to men that may dare
Try to brighten your day
with a smile and a care.

Stare him down
with your evil-est eyes
before his begin thrusting
without need for your thighs.

— Joy & Resilience FB || INSTA



Aimee Q Devlin
Poets Unlimited

Freedom | Online Business | Motherhood | Life Transformation | Unconventional and Out-Of-The-Box Thinker | aimeeqdevlin.com