Falcon Heavy Launched Again

Phil Wells
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJul 11, 2019

A Real Space Oddity

Falcon Heavy — Wikimedia

Falcon Heavy launched again, it’s off deploying cargo:
Two dozen Navy satellites above of gravity’s embargo,
A solar sail from head to tail made up of lightweight mylar
That some day in the future may take deep space pilgrims skyward;
A clock whose cesium stock might some day talk to GPS’s
Afloat themselves in deeper than earthbound GPS’s spaces;
And, sure, of course, let’s not ignore the all-important stashes
Of a hundred fifty two deceased who sent heavenward their ashes.
The boosters from each side, their jobs complete, returned and landed.
The middle one, well, let’s just say its case has been remanded.
A lower court’s the venue for the heavy middle engine,
Deep in the sea it seems to be; despite its deep space penchant.
Did Elon Musk build up some trust among his paying clients?
The Navy, NASA, newly dead; he’ll launch them all. For science!

Based on this news story.

This poem was originally published for Little Epic — subscribe for free!

