Farewell, Major Tom

Poets Unlimited


Now in reverse
That dark planet’s gray son
Rests his wings upon our sad verse
Meager tribute, marred with wail, tears, and cough

A slight
Unsteady gun
Shot clumsily, through
Effervescent skies and shifting, dense, bright
Neon clouds, at the crimson sun

While you
Just sit and stare,
Entranced and transfixed, not always with glee
At the sight of his soul laid bare;
Cavern’s innermost dew

I’m late
To the party, and I can’t climb that tree
So I’ll pretend I can fly; soar,
Ignore gravity’s fate,
And simply be

Let’s bask in that glow while we’re still alive
Fall upwards with a savage roar
From time and space now free
Screw death (that shrew)
Have fun

