
Keith Murgatroyd Welch
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readNov 6, 2017

Its time had surely come —
no “rough beast slouching towards Bethlehem”,
but a new messenger biding time ‘neath our feet
a gathering of totems from the quotidien
slowly it amended itself in darkness
with the waste of our lives- it is of us!

Behold The Fatberg, Messiah of Whitechapel!
The Fatberg, prophet of modernity!
Great Blockage! The Waste Saint!

Finally a deity who is truly in our image,
a great beast cast of our blood and semen
anointed with a multitude of oils, rich with fats
Who can deny its temporal power?

Tampons! Condoms! Diapers! Sin and innocence!
130 tonnes of truth come to show us ourselves!
All hail its filthy stinking humanity!

