Back Porch Fever Dream

Urban Fairytale #76

John Horan
Poets Unlimited
2 min readApr 22, 2018


I’m sitting on my back porch, sockless

Sipping White Russians with Kim Jong-un

Watching the apocalypse

Unfold in technicolor

They’re already planning the sequel

Arnie’s bulking up

Been practicing all his life for this

We used to have reality

But it turned into a b movie.

Ronnie Regan’s dead

But he turned up on Netflix

Asking Russia to build another wall

But this one’s to protect us

From all the things we fear

That are really just projections

The killer is inside us

But let’s bomb Iraq again

Just to make sure.

One day we’ll bomb so much

There’ll be no one left

Peace at last, I guess

But nobody to watch us

‘Cept maybe some astronauts

Up in the space station

Hope they’ll press record

Because it’s quite a good installment.

And grass grows back

And trees

And Adam and Eve

Decide to give it another shot

And God says nothing about the tree

This time he knows not to trust us

With temptation and the forbidden

And rules and regulations

We just be chillin’

Drinking margaritas

And we’ll leave monsters hidden

And any mistakes will be instantly forgiven

And any deaths will be immediately forgotten

Paradise is twice as nice

As the series was last season

Reruns are not so bad

If we can learn the lesson

Turn the TV off

Close the laptop

It’s probably outside somewhere

This garden of Eden.

Like my poems? Check out my novel A Vagrant At The House Of Love.



John Horan
Poets Unlimited

Writer of novels, scripts and poems. Teaches meditation. Thinks too much.