
Poets Unlimited
2 min readMar 10, 2017


On days we flew like dragon wings

Danced to songs that faeries sing,

Exalted dying sunset light

Small heads we held in arms so tight

On roaring winds we’d flying cling

Singing rhymes to banish ghosts,

Teacups with imagined toasts

But in these ways,

Obscuring days,

that came by night

To throttle songs with hands gripped tight

Or shadow darkened icy fright

Or nightmare dogs with bloody bite

Yesterday falls were silly games

With googly eyes and madeup names

But falling now is not the same

No hands could catch when joy fell

Hands that clawed at empty air

Sweet bird bones falling

Bones crushing, snapping

Frantic birds in cages trapping

Where waxy wings may laugh and soar

Some facts of things can fly no more

They fall gasping, rasping,collapsing,

to the floor

Thigh slappingdevil care

Laughing lives lived in thin air

Like beasts lay spent, legs splayed out,

Sedated dog dazed, arms akimbo

Playing dead in brazen limbo

So soaring tricks the boastful mind

Who laughs when lambs get left behind?

When precious blood now darkens ground,

Blood spilt and to its future bound

When silence ends this pointless way

Snuffs light we thought was here to stay

While eyes may sparkle,

tears can rot

Cruel truths that playful days begot

That flash of time we saw the gold

That time we had small heads to hold.

That time that love may be so bold

So loving make his story told



Poets Unlimited

mad scientist, teacher, doctor, writerish, raging star wars and comics habit