For You

Sébastien F. Dejean
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readSep 2, 2019

the stars are present tonight
through the dark skies
stretching into infinity
a world full of possibilities
a world containing you and me.

magnanimous you are
how can I write of you
without feeling blue?
sadness blossoms, my loneliness, a subterfuge
in which I claim comfortable refuge.

see me within the fringes of honesty
grab me at the cusp of your destiny
straddling away, bodies erect and gay
your breath on my skin, love’s natural play
I would give anything
to bring you back by my side again.

I am broken and alone
tears have shed while I remain stoned
you meant so much to me
and yet you left impatiently
While I am, through blank pages, wondering
why your heart decided to close up on me?

