
Asil Rashid
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 4, 2019

I will endeavor to unlearn all that I have been taught
By a diseased culture:
Untruths and half-truths
Like synapses digging grooves in my brain,
A worn out, tired path.
I will peel off the layers, meticulously woven into my fabric
That I wore like an armor, a straitjacket,
A millstone around my neck.
I will watch them fall to the ground,
And step out of them the way I step out of my clothes
At the end of a long day.
I will spread them out on a new path
That we will walk together,
Hand in hand, my love,
To clarity.



Asil Rashid
Poets Unlimited

Writer, blogger and mommy of one, self-taught artist. Check out my blog