Ysidro Xylander
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMay 9, 2015


four-petaled damewort

i watch the glitches

behind my eyelids

while you talk about pendulous firs

and weeping willows.

and how some trees

have roots that can become branches

and branches that can become roots.

i wonder how many trees

have been lifted and replanted

by the earth’s wind-shaped hands.

but i’m falling asleep,

and dreaming of an orchard

filled with black cats

where the trees bear

pink brains as fruit.

.Ysidro Xylander 2015.



Ysidro Xylander
Poets Unlimited

I hope to draw something every day. I write stories and poetry. Starting from nothing to avoid the editing problem. All photos are mine. ysidroxx.tumblr.com .