Friend Request

A Wondering Wanderer
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJun 21, 2018

Response to a call looking for like minded connections…

Photo Credit: Everton Vila on Unsplash

Of all the messages,
In all the bottles out at sea,
I’m glad, this one
Found its way to me.

Bonds of blood,
May be a bane or a boon.
Bonds of money n’ comfort,
May break too soon.

But bonds of love,
For the written, unspoken word,
Are whispers from the cosmos,
That lonely spirits heard.

We don’t know each other.
Just strangers in the crowd.
Few take that first step.
So, thanks for reaching out.

If it’s meant to be,
We’ll meet someday.
Maybe we already have.
Who can really say.

Even if we never did, never do,
Let’s not become a lost memory.
I hope, you’ll keep sharing,
Your beautiful gift with me.

I do have some friends,
But not many have what you do.
You’ve already helped more than some
To give credit where it’s due.

So I’ve made my decision.
This is what I say to you:
I see your friend request, and,
I’d like to be your friend too.

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A Wondering Wanderer
Poets Unlimited

A curious soul, trying to figure out this beautiful universe, and his place in it. Human. Philosopher. Poet. Software Developer by day.