From The Back Emerged Wings

and those that sens8d either danced or feared:

Poets Unlimited
1 min readSep 19, 2017


Rebirth by Elestrial

As a beast would rather slumber
and better yet to those who fear,
is the lightening without the thunder.

While a beast oftentimes doesn’t gander
that from her back are pushing outward,
the wings that engulf and will demand her.

A beast is hardly more than not appearing dormant
but reality is a far untouched reconciliation,
when he releases his wings it’s barbarically resplendent.

The energy that releases and pushed from within
are the wings born and sensed by the sensitive,
but only the manifestation in remaining dragon kin.

Rebirth by Lev Savitskiy

Note: for access to artworks, follow image links to contact the artist. Thank you!



Poets Unlimited

Barely holding my sanity together with peanut butter. Willing to contribute poetry to SciFi / Fantasy works (